
Education and Inequality Reduction by True

Just as education has increased productivity and driven economic growth, it has importantly developed ‘people’ who are at the heart of innovations and creativity. Education therefore is a basis of a sustainable society. If people are well-educated, they will help their country handle various challenges in the 21st Century. As a result, upgrading Thai education to curb the gap between its “quality” and “quantity” is absolutely an urgent agenda.  True has several education projects that cator learning for a lifetime of a Thai citizen.


2023 Target

32 individuals and internet users have access to basic education and lifelong learning opportunities.

2023 Performance

33.7 individuals and internet users received access to basic education and lifelong learning opportunities.

“We are the first mover with every technology that promises to enhance children’s access to education because we keenly seek to ensure Thai kids can access quality educational services or knowledge anytime, anywhere. Thailand needs human development for it to prosper. Human development forms a basis of education and the focus of True Plookpanya.


True is one of the co-founders of the Sustainable Education Development Project, now renamed as the “Education Futures Weave CONNEXT ED.” The project aims to enhance the country’s education system and cultivate new leaders through a strategy that provides a model for the public sector to expand to 30,000 schools nationwide.
It is guided by five main strategies: information disclosure to the public, creating market mechanisms and a culture of participation, developing school administrators and teachers, promoting child-centered curriculum, and accessing the digital infrastructure of schools.


As a leading telecom-tech company, True is well aware of Thailand’s problems. It thus launched “TruePlookpanya” initiative in 2007 based on ‘Cultivate Knowledge, Virtues, and Love of the Environment” concept. This initiative aims to deliver quality knowledge from not just Thailand but also the world to underprivileged children by leveraging True’s expertise and resources in technology and innovations. In the first phase, the initiative served world-class knowledge via ‘TV and TrueVisions’ satellite sets ’. Broadcast over satellite, useful knowledge has reached children at more than 6,000 remote schools.


The ‘Plookpanya’ (Grow Wisdom) efforts, in the initiative’s second year, started delivering knowledge via internet. It even created a platform,, for the purpose. Thanks to fantastic feedback, this website had been the No. 1 educational website for five consecutive years (since 2019). While the online platform has been a big success, True Plookpanya has also sought to curb educational inequality further by serving knowledge ‘On-Air’ via True Plookpanya TV channel and ‘On-Ground’ via school activities across Thailand.


True Plookpanya has also collaborated with academics and educators of leading universities such as the Chulalongkorn, Thammasat and Mahidol, in developing academic content and other types of knowledge based on official Thai curriculum and extracurricular programs for This website has thus functioned like a database of knowledge and exam questions that cover all eight core subjects for students at all educational levels from primary and secondary ones. Also uploaded to this platform are clips of famous tutors’ classes, teaching plans for teachers, parents’ manuals, and self-development functions like Upskill and Plook Explorer. Today, is Thailand’s largest knowledge and exam-preparation trove for students, parents and Thais of all ages. Users of the website enjoy free access to quality and up-to-date content, which perfectly keep pace with the changing world.


This institution enhances digital skills for today’s workforce, focusing on important concepts and
knowledge such as basic data principles, basic product
management principles, and basic digital marketing.


The Company is dedicated to being a part of creating a safe and creative internet environment for children and youth. Therefore, it has implemented the Safe
Internet project with the ultimate goal of equipping children and youth with the skills and protection to navigate the online world safely, appropriately, and creatively through various activities.