
Human Rights at True

True, as a telecom-technology company, apart from delivering quality products and services to consumers, is to promote equal opportunities for access to information, content, and ICT services. In doing so, the Company must conduct business with ethics and moral principles, recognizing the dignity and value of every human being. True operates with respect for human rights of all stakeholders. Reflecting the Company’s policy on equal opportunities, True strive to achieve diversity in the workplace with measures to ensure equal treatment and human rights protection, regardless of gender, age, education, nationality, ethnicity, skin color, religion, sexual identity and disability status.


Through True’s Human Rights Policy, the Company commits to adhere to human rights principles in accordance with international standards which are the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UNDHR), the United Nations’ Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP), United Nations Global Compact, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. The policy expects that all relevant stakeholders of True comply with its human rights commitments; the scope covers its own operations, suppliers, contractors, business partners and extending the coverage to business relations i.e. joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions.


True is committed to preventing all forms of illegal labor practices (such as human trafficking, child labor, forced labor), discrimination, and harassment. Additionally, True is dedicated to respecting and promoting equal remuneration, diversity, freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining, and the respect of other rights, including employee health and safety, working conditions, community health and safety, standard of living, cybersecurity, and data privacy of stakeholders.


Moreover, True has implemented a system to track, monitor and assess human rights risks as well as ensuring that all stakeholders have access to our whistleblowing and complaint channels. These processes will provide us with feedbacks and inputs for further improvement of our due diligence process, and for our reporting of human rights performances.


True’s Human Rights Due Diligence process is an on-going process. The Company does a systematic periodic review of the risk mapping of potential and actual human rights issues, every 2 years. The Due Diligence process applies to all of True’s business activities and associated activities (e.g. network operations, office activities) within the value chain, where potential human rights impacts and/or risks may exists. The scope of assessment includes our own operations and extends to our business partners, suppliers and contractors, and new business relations (i.e. joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions).

Reference: UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights